Case Study: First National Moreton
25 Sellers For $1,000
Mark Cheney immediately jumped on board with our team after seeing our results online.
No sales call needed.
He understood the power of running the correct advertisements online, yet was not confident on executing the marketing & technical side of lead generation.
The Results
Within our first 30 days we had 25 qualified sellers sent to Mark and his team.
This was for $1,000 of an ad-spend budget.
These qualified sellers are people who had been attracted through our advertisements, opted in as a lead, qualified by our team (to ensure they’re legitimately looking at selling), and then passed on to Mark.
The Process
We first understood the locality of Mark’s serviced area. With the size of Moreton Bay, his advert budget needed to be put to good use.
We targeted certain regions of Moreton Bay for Mark, in-line with his recent sales rapport.
Our lead generation constantly changed to suit the clicks, reach and impressions of our advertisements. This ensured we were maximising every touchpoint with each viewer.
As leads were flowing in, Mark & his team were able to receive live transfers from Front Digital with qualified sellers.
If Mark wasn’t able to answer the phone, we booked the leads into an appointment into his calendar.
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